Hi my name is Nastassja. However you can call me Nati, it's short, simple, & cute. My major is Family and Child studies with concentration in Early Childhood Education and my child advocacy certificate. My big plans are to own a Day Care Center and after become a principle at a elementary school. Something interesting about me is that I'm a year ahead in school. In addition, that I love to Travel been to various places however, I still have a lot more to explore.
Growing up I lived with both of my parents however, three years ago my parents got divorced but were separated for five years before the divorce was actually processed. I currently live with my mother and my two sisters. I am the middle child, my older sister is 22 and my younger sister is 15. Since we are kinda grown and out in the world doing "our thing" we've all become super independence. So the only type of activity that i share with my family besides holidays is traveling. My mom and sisters love to travel and since we don't have any family members in the US we travel every year at at least twice a year.
Since I come from a divorced family i would like to learn more about marriages and tips about healthy happy marriages.
Since I picked up this class the last day of add and drop I missed out on the video. In addition, wikis ISN'T HARD it just takes time to get use to. hahaha
Nati, that’s great that you’re ahead of the game! Its not often that students say that, so i commend you on that feat. To have the opportunity to travel often is wonderful. I'm glad there was a spot open and you were able to add this class last minute. Great first post!