1. According to functionalist theory, what was the definition of the "instrumental leader" and what was the definition of an "expressive leader." What family roles were connected to each of these leader definitions?
According to functionalist theory the definition of the instrumental leader is the one who holds the group discussion to accomplish the goal or task at hand. While the expressive leader is the one to lighten up the mood and is there for emotional support. These family roles where implemented in 1950s because the husband played the role of the instrumental leader by being the money provider of the household while the wife was the emotional supporter for her children.
2. What main demographic change during the 1960s and 1970s led theorists to be critical of the functionalist perspective?
The main demographic change during the 1960s and the 1970s was the fact the females were starting to have a say and were going out into the labor force and being predominant.
3. In contrast to functionalist theorists, in your own words, what is the main theme of conflict theory?
The main theme of the conflict theory is to create social changes that would give power and benefit everyone.
4. Social exchange theory is based on ideas from what discipline (not sociology). What do exchange theorists say about husbands bargaining power versus that of wives?
Husbands had stronger bargaining power since they were the money makers of the household. While on the other the wives have fewer resources due to the fact of the low income they provide for the family household.
5. Feminist theory is based on what main idea?
The feminist theory was based on the conflict theory, because it was started the transformation of inequalities between men and women.
6. After reading about the various methods or ways that we collect data to study the family, tell us:
A) A research question about family/relationship satisfaction.
How new couples cope with a new born in the family?
B) Do you want to study the family at the micro or macro level?
I would conduct this study in a micro level
C. What method will you use to collect data? Refer to the methods listed in the lecture slides.
Demographic study
D). How many people will be in your study?
My research would study about 50 newly wed couples of different race, ethnicity, and sex with new borns.
E) Devise 3 questions you will ask them to answer your research question.
How is your marriage now that you have a child?
How do you make time for you and your spouse?
Do you plan on having more children?
Nati, you should go back and re-read the course material on conflict theory, feminist theory and social exchange theory. Your question is good, but you should have an idea as to what you will find as the outcome of your research. You stated you would use MICRO level research therefore your methods for collecting data should include interviews and observations. Most of your responses were very vague therefore I was unable to get a sense that you really understood the material.